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The Death of Baldur @The Globe, Hay-on-Wye

The story of Baldur's tragic demise is one of the canonical stories of the Norse Myth Cycle, a tale that has it all - dark prophetic dreams, commune with nature, journeys into the underworld, deceit, betrayal… death. Is it  the beginning of the end, or the end of the beginning?

Join Storyteller Marcus Pibworth for an evening of Norse Mythology as he takes you on a journey into the chaotic world of the gods and goddesses of ancient Asgard, and discover the ancient wisdom of story and its role in our lives today.

After the telling there will be space to reflect and discuss the storytelling journey we will have been on, guided by Marcus.

15 November

Opening for Canadian Folk Duo ‘Basset’

9 January

Grey Wolf Story Cafe @Little Green Cafe, Abergavenny