When I became a father I soon realised that it can be hard to find places to connect with other dads. There seemed to be a wide selection of groups for mums to meet, bond, share the ups and downs of parenthood, but a great lack of dedicated spaces like this for dads.
And as a storyteller, I know how powerful it can be to explore our everyday experiences through a mythic lens.
So here I present to you Mythic Fathers, a space that encompasses both of these.
Each month a small group of dads and I meet in Rock Cottage Yurt, in the foothills of the Black Mountains, in West Herefordshire. I make a big pot of soup and tell a myth of story, which we use as a jumping off point to reflect, mull over, ask for advice and share our experiences of fatherhood.
We meet on the second Wednesday of each month. If you are a dad, or male caregiver that would like to come along, please do send me a message at: storyteller@marcuspibworth.com